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Monday, 19 May 2014

Diseases of bearded dragons Part II

It is not often that healthy bearded dragons get infections caused by bacteria or fungi. Healthy baby bearded dragons do not usually get infections , but they can make their appearance in specimens living in a dirty environment or are subjected to some other stress . These are diseases that can be fatal and should be treated by a veterinarian. Symptoms of infections of the digestive tract that usually appear may include bloody stools . Animals with respiratory tract infections usually expel mucus from the nostrils, eyes are bleary , is inactive and in the most serious cases , breathe making a characteristic noise .

Bearded Dragon Mouth rot

Mouth rot is a fairly common and particularly nasty infection. As its name suggests, is an infection that affects the tissues of the mouth and gums and it is often caused by bacteria and fungi which are penetrated by a small wound . In severe cases it can affect even the jaws. The most common symptoms are a discharge from the gums and / or jaw , the animal refuses to eat , bleeding inside his mouth and a thick, powdery substance on the inside of the mouth. Mouth rot can become very serious, and it is necessary to resort to the vet immediately . While you wait for the vet, you can clean the infected with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide , iodine , or a mixture of both products area.


Whenever an infection will appear to go to a veterinarian with experience in reptiles, but the fan can also put something on your part to help the animal recover. The first thing to do is raise the temperature of the terrarium until it is between a maximum of 38-40 ° C and a minimum of 27 ยบ C. While the animal is sick should not lower the temperature at night.

The second is to increase slightly the relative humidity in the terrarium , especially if the animal does not eat or drink . Usually sufficient water spray once a day . The third is to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet. Normally just add vitamins to food weekly.

Do not panic if your bearded dragon stop eating when sick , is not worrisome unless the fasting continues for more than three or four days and begin to notice the animal an apparent lack of weight. At this point , if you have not yet gone to the vet it is time to do so. If necessary, it will tell you how to proceed to forced feeding. When dinosaurs do not eat , try to encourage them to drink a sports drink with fruit flavor . These drinks are rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes quickly absorbed by the digestive tract.


Lately photo released some alarming news about salmonella caused by reptiles. It is believed that many reptiles are carriers of Salmonella and other bacteria that are completely harmless to them. However, for humans are not so harmless. Salmonella can cause severe gastric problems which manifest as vomiting and diarrhoea. For a healthy adult is serious infections are rare but can be fatal for children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

However, despite what they may say some alarmist disease transmission from reptiles to people is quite rare and easily avoidable . To prevent salmonella simply follow strict hygiene rules . After handling animals or anything terrarium should always wash their hands with soap and water. Any place that has been in contact with animals or terrarium should be thoroughly disinfected . Bearded Dragons and the elements of your terrarium should never be in contact with food places ( kitchen tables , sink, etc. . )

Finally , if children handling reptiles should watch them closely. Should never touch the animals , their hands, or elements of the terrarium, with the mouth. If you let children touch their reptiles note that all the responsibility is yours.

Injuries and First Aid

The most common problems of bearded dragons are the wounds of one sort or another . Most lack of gravity , but it is always better to be safe than sorry. The best way to avoid injury is to eliminate the terrarium all the stones and branches with sharp edges or spikes , ensure that all elements are stable and can not fall, safely handle the animal , and not allow other pets to contact bearded dragons . If any copy service should be hurt , we must act according to the severity of the wound.

If you suspect you may have a fracture there will be no choice but to go to the vet. It is the only way to prevent a malformation of limb during healing. Also , fractures are often accompanied by severe shock , so go to the vet urgently .

Small cuts and abrasions can easily cure them at home, provided they are not too deep or bleeding heavily. Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide or , better still , with Topionic . Nor will most spreads the wound with some antibiotic ointment or a scar . Monitor the wound daily , clean , and take care of it until full cure . If symptoms of infection , see your veterinarian as soon as possible . If the injury has been caused by a clash between two animals , keep them separate .

Untreated wounds , even small , often degenerate into abscesses that appear as rounded formations under the skin . All abscesses require veterinary intervention . This will then make an incision to drain , clean and suture the wound. We also prescribe antibiotics needed to prevent recurrence of the infection or septicemia appears .

Unfortunately , the burns are quite common in reptiles kept in captivity . They usually occur when approaching the animal excessively to a lamp or other heat source. Again, it is best to prevent such cases and correctly arrange the elements of the terrarium. In case of burns , it is always best to go to the vet , even if minor . Infected burns very easily, so you have to keep them clean and well spread with an antibiotic ointment .

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