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Sunday, 18 May 2014

Vitamins and Minerals for your baby bearded dragon

Like explained above nutrients that bearded dragons get to eat vegetables and insects , vitamins and minerals also play a vital role in the growth and health of a bearded dragon. The most important of these is vitamin D3 and calcium, which are crucial for there bones, teeth and shells female bearded dragons egg .

Note that both calcium and vitamin D3 should be given both together at the same time . The reason for this is because bearded dragons can not metabolize calcium if intake of vitamin D3 is low.

Juvenile Bearded Dragon
Do not worry about this too much , you sell a calcium and vitamin D3 together so tired of both , this can be found at your local pet store or online. If you have a bearded dragon that is a baby (4 months or less) that will need daily doses of vitamin D3 and calcium. If you have a bearded dragon that is a minor (4-18 months) will need 3-4 doses per week .

Also when you buy the pre mixed supplement of calcium and vitamin D3 look to see the ratio of calcium and phosphorus. A serving 2 -1 is large and even better 3-1 . Be careful with the amount of other vitamins and minerals given to bearded dragons . If you give most of any, can be detrimental to the bearded dragon. For example , vitamin A and kept on singing bearded dragons body so too can actually become toxic .

If you intend to give the bearded dragon, a vitamin A try to find one that contains beta carotene instead of other forms of the vitamin. Use a multivitamin supplement no more than twice a week for a chick . For a minor or an adult once a week is all that is necessary, only use supplements of vitamins and minerals that are only designed for reptiles.

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