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Friday, 23 May 2014

Find an injured wild animal. What do you do ?

What to do if you encounter a wild animal problems ?

In case of a baby bird , try to find the nest . He's probably not far off . Failure to find him , should leave it on a high , but safe , where their parents can easily locate it . As a last resort , we recommend call the RSPCA . Soon they will contact the rangers to coordinate the reception of animal.

If the animal found in the field is most likely be " bedridden " , ie lying and trying to camouflage. Be kept waiting for their mother, who is nearby, find , protect and nurse . Never touch it , because otherwise it will permeate human scent and her mother refused. We recommend away ASAP. If someone has touched or caught in arms , you need to call the RSPCA that we take it.

If an animal is injured , we recommend covering it with a towel or garment and place it in a quiet place . Caution should be exercised with the claws of birds of prey, the peaks of the vultures , storks and herons and biting carnivores ( fox, marten, badger, etc. . ) As well as the horns of deer ( roe deer). If possible and always take all necessary security measures , we recommend introducing the animal in a cardboard box with holes and then call the RSPCA to coordinate the receipt ranger animal and is delivered to the centre where it can be treated properly .

We strongly recommend taking into account the following guidelines when helping a wounded animal : during the summer , you should never leave an animal nor sun should be offered food and drink . Do not give any medicine and not have to try to make bandages unless it is already used to make them. Failure to follow these guidelines , despite good faith , may be harmful to injured animals .

If you can not help an injured wild animal, call the RSPCA recommend giving information as detailed as possible , the type of animal and its location. Ideally, try and stay in the area until the experts coordinate the most appropriate help.
There are 8 points prepared for collection of animals challenged . Anyone can take the animal to these points or contact centre staff to coordinate delivery.

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