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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Hello Gecko!

The leopard gecko is a pet, much like baby bearded dragons, with good character and be able to establish a good relationship with its owner. When they are younger are more defensive while having a totally harmless bite .

The first thing to do when you get home is to have patience to encourage and facilitate adaptation leopard gecko owner , we go hands when approaching food demos .

The leopard gecko is primarily nocturnal and can be sheltered during the day and night out . The terrarium should be long as the leopard gecko does not scale and have good ventilation.

We can use many varieties substrates , yes, provided it is not toxic and has no edges that could cut the swallow . Experts recommend using paper towels , toilet or kitchen, or place of standard sand or wood fiber substrates .

Also install decorative elements for the leopard gecko can climb , with , for example , branches capable enough to support the weight of the animal. We can also put plants or hiding places with rocks so you can sleep and shelter.

As for the temperature , diurnal range between 21 º C and 26 º C , dropping at night to 16 º C and 21 º C. In addition , we will place inside a dish of water to be changed every day and avoid the creation of fungi. Be the space for the leopard gecko can drink without risk of drowning . Every 15 days all elements desinfectaremos terrarium .

The leopard gecko is insectivorous and feeds on invertebrates. We can feed him crickets , worms or grasshoppers, insects to overflowing before a special vitamin and calcium for reptiles.

Health leopard gecko

Osteoporosis is a major health problem leopard gecko a wasting of the bones can be caused by lack of calcium. Hence the importance of adding calcium supplement insects we give it as a daily diet.

If the leopard gecko suffer osteoporosis will notice symptoms such as weakness , lethargy soft jaw or signs of pain . If you appreciate some of this will increase the dose of calcium but not without excesses because if we had mineralization can cause your organs.

They may also suffer respiratory infection or gastroenteritis bacterial infections. Sometimes , the leopard gecko has shed its skin trouble , because if you get some parts of old skin attached to the body can occur that is too dry. To fix will place the animal in a plastic box with two wet paper towels , holes in the lid and place it in a place does not get cold . The humidity will help appears from these fur remains .

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